#2 Experience in the food taboos with dog

The food is hot or cold
Hot food (freshly cooked), frozen food (taken from the fridge), spicy foods, salty foods, too much fat, sweets, smoked items;

Freshwater fish
The freshwater fish. Should only eat sea fish was cooked. The reason is freshwater and marine fish eggs can live worms to infect dogs;

Do not eat the bones
Do not feed the dog bone. This seems contrary to this ancient notion of dog chew bone is always drunk, however, was the scourge bones for dogs. The first reason is because they can not digest absorb. Monday is the bone can cause constipation, bowel obstruction ... Especially dangerous is the kind of tibia, especially those such as chicken bones can break into sharp fragments puncture the intestines. Also, chew bones also makes the teeth quickly worn, broken, broken;
Dogs should not eat too much pasta, beans, white bread, potatoes ...;

Do not eat the sausage
Determined not to eat dog sausage, sausage ... because these foods are toxic to dogs. They damage the liver and can make the dog died before maturity;

Do not eat sweets
Do not give dogs eat fresh products, especially sweets. Sweets to lose appetite and
disrupt the digestive process. They also damage tooth enamel and can adversely affect the eye (tear);

Do not give dogs eat lard, mutton, eggs live
In the dog food should not spices such as chili, spicy tomato sauce, pepper ...;