#4 Nutrition for puppies

Small dogs from 8 weeks to 12 weeks of age:
It is best to eat four times a day, in divided into breakfast, lunch, dinner, dinner time to share meals are not too close together and the night hungry. Food intake is about 700g, indoors drinking water always available every day to pour another bowl instead. For drinking 0.5 liters / day (Choose cheapest), eggs from day one results (initially nine dogs, then gradually re-live and proceed to eat). After the meal the toilet seat fixed and have been forced to go by will create good habits. Run at idle for a walk, this time the dog is still plenty of sleep and physical inactivity.

From 12 weeks to 16 weeks of age:
Day 4 meals for dogs, feeding rate of 1.2 kg fodder split the meal. 1 liter of milk, eggs, fruit from day one. This time very active dog, trained some simple post, bearing solid rubber ball thrown to the dogs run chase for bone development.

From 16 weeks to 20 weeks of age:
Dog eat 3 meals a day, increasing the amount of protein, meat cheap (avoid eating pork fat for ease indigestion and diarrhea) 1.4 kg feed / day, 1 liter of milk, eggs, a fruit day. Time Campaign increases, the daily run or bike run 5km or more.

From 5,5-half or more:
It is possible to eat like dogs, enhancing the meat and eat more high level athletes. Fed 2 times a day, while walking to go practice or are forced defecation. On one visit is enough, limiting the care for livestock owners.